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Penicuik and District Model Flying Association Club Constitution


The aims of the association are to provide the members with a flying site and to preserve if possible the right to fly on the present site at Harlawmoor.



The association will be affiliated to the Scottish Aeromodellers Association and abide by the constitution, rules, safety code and the Policy Document for Children and Vulnerable Adults of that organisation.



The membership of the association shall be limited to 40 as determined at the 2023 AGM.

Grades of membership:-

Honorary Member:- Honorary membership may be granted to a member or other person who is considered by a majority of members present at an AGM to be worthy of the title. Honorary members are entitled to the same conditions and privileges as other members but are not required to pay the PDMFA subscription. Honorary membership continues until rescinded by majority vote at an AGM.

Member:- All existing members at the date of this constitution.

Student Member:- All new members will join as student members until vouched for by the committee that they have sufficient knowledge and experience to practise the sport without supervision. This is done at the flying field by a member of the committee. Applications for membership will be approved and accepted by the committee. Closing date for new members joining will be September 31st of each operating year.

Junior Members under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times. This parent/guardian must join the association.



The office bearers of the association will consist of:-



Three committee members

All office bearers will serve for a period of one year but will be eligible for re-election.



The annual general meeting (AGM)of the association will be held in the month of December after the S.A.A. has held its AGM. The secretary will give all members 2 weeks notification.

Committee meetings will be held as required.



The quorum at an AGM will be 20% of the membership.

The quorum at a committee meeting will be three.


The Association Year:

The operating year of the association will run from the 1st January to the 31st December.



The subscriptions for the following year will be set at each AGM and will be sufficient to cover the likely expenses for the following year. Subscriptions will be due for payment at the AGM or by an agreed closing date thereafter.



All members of the association must be insured through the Scottish Aeromodellers Association Insurance scheme which is usually payable along with the PDMFA subscription. Members may be accepted who have SAA or BMFA insurance obtained through another club.


Extraordinary Meetings:

Extraordinary meetings of the association may be arranged as necessary and the conditions applicable to these meetings will be the same as those pertaining to an annual general meeting.



Rules covering the conditions of use of the flying field and the conduct of safe and responsible flying activities may be made as necessary by the committee. Any change of rules must be approved at the following AGM.


All members must fly lawfully.



Members of the committee will be responsible for arranging regular training sessions with the objective of bringing novice flyers to an acceptable standard of solo flying proficiency in accordance with the PDMFA rules and the SAA safety code.


This revised constitution was approved at the AGM of the association in December 2023.



The committee (by a majority agreement) may impose a flying ban upon any member in the event of misconduct. Any ban must be accompanied by a verbal and/or written warning and may lead to their membership being withdrawn.


In the event of gross misconduct, immediate dismissal without warnings may be considered but the member must still be accorded the right to present their case to the committee and be given a right of appeal.


In the event of dismissal the committee will arrange for the members current membership fee to be reimbursed in full.

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